Custom made orthotics

Orthotics are in-shoe devices, shaped to match the contours of the sole of your foot. They are used to treat and prevent injuries, pain or disability. Orthotics can be used to improve posture, to relieve foot pain, reduce muscle strain, to improve comfort for people who stand for long periods of time, to treat calluses and more.

At Mudgeeraba Podiatry our podiatrists hand make prescription orthotics, ensuring they are custom made to meet your individual needs. We only used the highest quality materials and all adjustments are carried out on-site at our clinic at Mudgeeraba.

Assessment for orthotics

When assessing your need for orthotics our podiatrists will evaluate symptoms that indicate inefficient function of the feet and legs.

Orthotics assessment involves:

  • analysis of the patient’s walk (gait)
  • muscle and joint range of motion
  • assessment of shoe wear
  • consideration of occupation and activity
  • previous and current treatments – taking a medical history.

More information

Ask yourself these questions?

▪Do you regularly stand/walk on hard surfaces for several hours?
▪Do you regularly participate in any sport?
▪Do you suffer from back pain, knee or shin pain, foot or ankle pain
▪Do your feet or legs ache when you walk or when you have only been on your feet for a short time?
▪Does your footwear wear unevenly?
▪Do you have joint pain while standing, walking, or running?
▪Do you have one leg shorter than the other?
▪Do you have knock knees or bow legs?
▪Do you have obvious foot problems (bunions, corns, flat feet etc.)
▪Do your feet “toe out” or “toe in” when you are walking?

A follow up appointment 2 – 4 weeks after fitting is included in the cost of custom made orthotics. Our podiatrists will carry out an additional assessment to ensure the orthotics are comfortable and are achieving the desired effect.

Improve your foot health today